Thursday, August 20, 2009

4 cities i wanna visit

ada 4 kota yg pengen q kunjungi..maybe it's difficult to get there,but i really wish i can..

1. Liverpool
Of course! Liverpool is called "home of english football"..i hope it will not be replaced by manchester. I wanna go to museum,cuz we know that Liverpool is the city of's great! And..absolutely.. Anfield stadium..(or Stanley Park maybe) :-D,then Melwood also.. I wanna put a banquet of flowers alongside the Shankly gates.. Memorizing..
Hm..I wanna seek Stevie G house in formby..:-)
Finally.. Let's go to the port and board Titanic..hahaha (impossible)
Liverpool..last but not least, i wanna know more about Liverbird myth..

2. London
This is the capital city of England. Tower Bridge is the most "i-want-to-visit" place in London.especially at night. OMG! There are also London Eye, Buckingham palace, madam tussauds, and..i wanna cross and walk all the bridges in london! Hahaha.
But the most important thing is..i really wish i can go there for study. That's my dream..studying english closer..

3. Athens
Greece! Amazing! Beautiful! Ancient! I love greece! I love the scenery.. The blue Aegean very beautiful..
Besides, I'm really interested in Greek myth..

4. Barcelona
It's beautiful also..i love Spain..Barcelona is a great destination when we go to spain..high land..with sea scenery..waw! Then the culture..
And! I wanna go to Arenys de mar, Cesc Fabregas's about 30km from Barcelona..Arenys is a port city (or town maybe?)..just like Liverpool. So there must be many boats and yachts and SEA! :-D

That's all..
Great place to day.. Try to make it real..Amin.

This note can be found also on my facebook..

P.S. : ini q nulis dadakan loh..lsg ketik tanpa prepare or bikin draf.jd maap kl ada grammar or sentence yg slh.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wew ngecek bbrp postingan lama.trnyta ada grammar yg slh.hehe.
Harap d maklumi.gerrard part 1,2 q bikin wkt SMA, jd msh kacau balau.dan wkt q posting,ga q edit sm skali. :-)

Yg english short story q tulis wkt kul.tu jg slh1 tugas mata kul writing..jd ya lmyn lah..cuz nilaiq bgs wkt nulis tu.brarti grammarnya membaik lah..

Hm.senengnya bs nulis lg stlh vakum lama..
Ini karna,stgh jam yg lalu,ada seseorang yg membangkitkan smgtq utk kmbali menulis..
Thx to "mr.YI"
yg udh dgn hebat nya bs membuatku dgn cpt, sadar utk trz keep trying to mempertahankan xsistensi dlm dunia tulis menulis.shingga q segera buka blog bwt posting.dan untungnya,q pny bnyk stok yg bs q posting.:-D
Thx. YI..

Mulai posting lg..

Udh lama bgt ga ngeblog..

Bingung mo nulis apa.

Bbrp wkt lalu,q hbs bikin tulisan baru. Kali ini tentang cesc fabregas..q br sempet bikin skrg..makanya msh part 1. Trus steven gerrard q jg bikin lg..part 3.. Part 1 n 2 bagi yg blm baca,ada d older post..

Ada jg ntar q mau posting english of course ^_^

Hm.jd pengen bikin yg tentang xabi alonso..
Kyknya asik nich..coba ah..
Mumpung bbrp wkt ni q lg kangen bgt ma dy..^_^
Biasanya org kangen,naluri nulisnya kuat.hahaha