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Dive Your Dreams! Take A Chance!

Dive for Dreams
E.E. Cummings

dive for dreams
or a slogan may topple you
(trees are their roots and wind is wind)
trust your heart
if the seas catch fire
(and live by love though the stars walk backward)
honour the past
but welcome the future
(and dance your death away at the wedding)
never mind a world
with its villains or heroes
(for god likes girls and tomorrow and the earth)


I knew this poem after watching the movie “Charlie St.Cloud”. There, it was only presented in a quotation, not the full version. The part taken was trust your heart if the seas catch fire
(and live by love though the stars walk backward). Basically, this poem tells about taking chance. I will talk a little bit about the applying of the poem for the plot/story line. There was a girl named Tess, who had a traumatic experience in sailing, she refused to return sailing as she was afraid of the ocean and the accident they had last time. And there was a boy, Charlie who later encouraged her to be brave again.

From the illustration, I can understand why the Dive For Dream Poem is suit so much for the story. The poem shows the opportunity to forget the past and go ahead into the future. Honour the past but welcome the future means we will never be able to forget our past but we can take it as an experience, as we know, there is a phrase experience is the best teacher, that’s so right and suitable for this situation. So we can just honour it and never look back because it will just haunt you if you can’t forget it.

This poem also tells about trusting our hearts. Heart will never lie, do what you feel is right by following what your heart says. If the seas catch fire means a condition. A condition when we feel confused about something and all seem in trouble, the best thing is to trust our heart, believe that God will give His joy and help through the voice of our little heart.

I found that Cummings used style in this poem by creating words in brackets. In my opinion, the words in brackets are the addition. He added more details or perhaps explanation for the previous line (s). I can feel the difference in reading the words in those brackets. I feel something different, it sounds more beautiful. Fortunately, the dictions are quite easy to understand. Besides, this poem is a really good for those who are down and in the difficult situation. It’s nature that humans may feel down sometimes when they are afraid to step forward. They are trapped in their own difficulties. If they don’t let themselves to search for help and then decide to give up, to never let them take a chance, they will end in misery.

What Cummings tried to show is the encouragement of living life even though everything is ruined up, we must never surrender. Just ignore everything that perhaps bothers you, just like what is written down: never mind a world with its villains or heroes. The most important thing is to let ourselves brave and we keep diving the dreams.


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