Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Precaution!!! I never say that non-Liverpudlians are not allowed here, but if you think we are so hyperbole in facing this case (some people assume this), better you get off of this page! Don’t read this. You don’t feel it so you will never understand. It’s only a dedication page, not a complaint letter! So, before you throw up or even vomit, don’t continue reading. Thank you.

This is also a special writing to my beloved friend, mimi butik (bu Tika)… who has been so devastated in Fernando Torres’ leaving, we’re all with you, butik.. rumpiess here for you.. *teletubies hug*
It is for papa Adhie, bulen (bu Leanita), bufeb (bu Febri), burik (bu Rika-unfortunately she’s not on fb anymore) and buyun (bu Yunita) my daughter too 

How could I call myself as a writer? I’ve been writing some stories but most of them are still in Indonesian, this is my third English “Football-Edition” project--->>the first project was for Steven Gerrard (you can read it on my blog), the second was for Cesc Fabregas (haven’t posted it yet, I want it to be perfect—Cesc Fabregas is a special case) Nando, you are so lucky, you know. When I lost Xabi Alonso, I was so sad, I couldn’t even endure the pain, I couldn’t write anything. Now you left, I got a writing of you. Brilliant. -__-

You can write if you have something to write down. It can be what you feel, or even, what you want to feel. My literature lecturers always say that what we write is a reflection of our feeling. It’s good to have a place to express it, right?  Now, that’s what I’m going to share with you all.

We’ve been so mad these days. Even my cell phone worked so hard (sorry, Fabricio, you must be so tired)—Fabricio is the name of my cell phone. (Sounds silly? Hahaha). A friend wrote this on twitter, it’s for Manchester City “You’ll Never Rich Alone” (I can’t even hold my laugh) ^_^
Let me tell you a little story on twitter last night.
People have been so sick during the transfer deadline day. I love it, because there were so many funny jokes, like this one: “Torres just left Melwood by a helicopter”. This is the start. Then the creativeness came up. People substituted the word “helicopter” into “bemo, becak, andong, etc” and I found a pretty good joke too: “Torres just left Melwood by an ambulance, Gerrard swears it was an accident” haha. Why people were so crazy last night..? Yes, we were waiting for the uncertainty, rumors everywhere, and they drove us crazy. The result was, we had some great improvisations in making funny jokes and scripts. 
You know who caused this mess? Yes, primary, it’s obviously Fernando Torres Sanz. Why it’s always him...honestly I can’t find the answer. All I can say is because he’s so phenomenal; he’s a great part of our history. However, I don’t know what’s on your mind right now after he left. Maybe what I write below can bring you a view, how to see this Torres’ case wisely from both sides; positive and negative.

How to start, anyway? Oh it’s always so hard to start something, especially when we are writing about something painful (hmm. not really, actually. Hehe).
All right..here we go.
Dear, Mr. Torres (I hope Mike Jefferies read this. LOL—okay, forget it, focus!)
I don’t recall the first time you joined our club (I don’t want to remember, more like it) , but I still have your first picture with LFC shirt, along Rafa Benitez standing beside you, of course. You looked dashy and blondie, haha. People always say that when a player comes to a new club, he will give nice words and show the supporters his excitement on his arrival. You did too. You’ve stolen our heart from the very beginning. People envy us, really. Thanks! You’ve flied us away up to the highest peak that time. However, pride is not everything. You may remember the season of 2008-2009, we were totally close to the Premiership trophy (I remember I cursed the month of January for making LFC always draw, full January draws!!!!!) and now the silly part is you left us in January too!! (Hmm. Guys, anybody has the Glenn Fredly’s song “January”? You can play it now, I’m sure it will be a perfect back song while you’re reading this) LOL.

Back to Nando..That time you thought you had made a right decision by moving to our club, right? Oh, no. you didn’t. Next season was horrible; I bet you’ve re-questioned your decision already. Feeling doubt, Nando? Yes you were, but you didn’t mind to keep waiting, waiting, and waiting for the golden sky reached and saved us, but where was it?? The storm didn’t stop. Ah wait! I have an interview of you, do you mind if I take some quotes, honey? Fine.

August 3, 2010
“This is the best club in the country, so the target is always very, very high and the expectation is too high”
“When I came here, the first day I could see the people give me the welcome like Stevie or Carra, like the players who are playing here for a long time, so I felt at home from the first day I came, and I can feel the fans love me”
Okay, this is the rough part:
“And of course my commitment, my loyalty with the club and of course with the fans is the same from? (can’t hear it clearly) the first day I signed here.”
Thanks for the compliment, Nando. Really.. ^_^ yes, you are absolutely right. WE ARE THE BEST CLUB IN THE COUNTRY. <<<<<< like this.

Well, Nando. Perhaps, now, people think that you are a glory hunter. Why??? Yes, you asked to leave in the wrong time, dear. We don’t hate you, really. We’re just disappointed. Everyone remembers when you said that you WON’T PLAY FOR ANOTHER PREMIERSHIP CLUBS, other than LFC. Where are your words then, anyway? Look dear, ‘promise’ is a very big word. Better don’t say it if you can’t keep and afford it. It’s not only us who are hurting here, it’s you as well. Don’t you ever blame yourself sometimes? If you go to Spain or Italy, maybe we can accept it; and you don’t need to break your words, right? Now it seems that you’ve crossed the forbidden line which is really (how do you spell H-U-R-T-I-N-G?) Yes it is.

Let me take a sample. Liverpudlians were so devastated too when Xabi Alonso left. Until this minute, this second, he is still good portrayed in our mind. You know why? Although he left with a great pain on us, he knew how to respect people who love him (it’s for you, Nisa. you read this, right? ) He is still being loved. I don’t want to compare you to him, really. You both are (and still) great parts of LFC history. I just want to show you what I meant by “leaving with sweet memories” or “leaving with disappointing memories”, just pick one, according to your desire.

Everything is not going to be the same anymore. Personally, I want to believe you. . I think positively: You didn’t lie. What you said about commitment or loyalty was coming really from your heart-----THAT TIME. However, everything has changed, people changed, YOU CHANGED. We don’t force you to stay, btw, because we know, you’ve been so patient this far. Thanks.

I’m proud of my Reds friends who state and put their mind into “No players bigger than the club itself” or “it’s Liverpool FC, not Torres FC” or “I love you Nando, but I love LFC more, sorry”. I think it’s very great and brave statements. We can start a life without you. However, I feel so upset to some of my friends who insult you (it doesn’t mean I’m taking a side on you). Even there is somebody who burnt your shirt. In my opinion, it’s not wise. I mean, even King Kenny said that people “come and go” You are the part of this. You go, but it isn’t supposed to be this way. People are probably in a great madness right now, some of them are furious, but they don’t have to insult you or even to burn your shirt. It’s such a kid, so childish. Please Nando, never take this seriously, they are not the real Liverpudlians.

Oh well, after writing this, slowly I can forget my disappointment. Hmm. Because, through this, it seems that I’m able to think more wisely about your departure. Yeah, I believe, at first it will be so difficult to start a new day without you. It feels like there is something missing (it happens whenever we just lost players, you are not the most special one>>>>>all players are the same, we love all of you). Now, there won’t be a Torres chant anymore, although it’s still echoing in my head all the time. <<<< Oh noooo!! I think it’s the most sentimental writing right now. Hmm. I’m joking myself by changing the word “red” into “blue”, then I sing it but it sounds soooooo weird. Haha.

Btw, you will love London. Cesc and I don’t mind to show you the city, just come to our apartment in Hamstead. You may catch a double-decker or ride a horse to get there. :D
(hahaha. Just ignore this part. ROFL) #stress

To sum up, we bless you Nando, in your new place. Hope you would afford what you want. LFC probably isn’t the right place for you. We hope the Chelsea supporters will treat you as well as we have treated you here, in Liverpool. Good luck. Keep Olalla away from John Terry, haha *kidding*, also send my love for Nora and Leo. I miss them already, my lovely nephew and niece 
We are still family. Love you, Nando. XOXO.

Writing in English is like a huge challenge to me. I’m an English Department student, it seems like there is a very heavy rock put on my shoulders. You must imagine how many times I check this writing, for the grammars and everything. Hahahaha. I know my writing is still far from perfection, but I’ve done my best. You know what? It’s totally my pleasure to present you what I wrote. A little bit shy, yes, my hands are shaking now! ooooh I hope you all like it, guys!
Btw, I just heard Nando mentioned us in his first Chelsea interview. Guess what, he can’t wait to score against us!!!! Ohh dear Mr. Reina, please save us! :P
Well, at last, thanks for wasting your time reading this bloody writing. Haha. You’ll Never Walk Alone.

Welcome Carroll and Suarez! Be nice. 
I posted this writing on fb too. check it out!! http://facebook.com/poethree.bouvier

All my love,
*Poethree* 01/02/2011

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