Friday, August 31, 2012

A PACT (Hermeneutic Analysis)

A Pact
by Ezra Loomis Pound
(Hermeneutic Analysis)

If we take a look to this poem, we will find it interesting. The way Pound delivers his thoughts really pulls us to know more about what this is all about. We first take a glance and try to understand the meaning in the surface. After that we must take a further step to understand the meaning deeper. Hermeneutic deals with text interpretations. This poem grabs our attention because of its content. We consider that Pound mentioned Walt Whitman. This is probably the main puzzle that we must solve.

Through the heuristic reading we may find that this poem tells about a man who finally makes a truce with someone he hates. He finally accepts the fact that they must kill off their conflict or problem. However, the question is, we can’t find the problem they were involved in. We don’t know why Pound didn’t like Whitman in the beginning. This is why we must look for the cause, searching deep down into the history or the origin of Pound’s thought towards Whitman.

We may begin with the title A Pact, and then there must be a question in our mind “What kind of pact?”. Another question will come up when we read the line: I make truce with you, Walt Whitman. “What kind of truce?” “What happens with Walt Whitman?” By knowing the background, history, or the origin that caused Pound to write this poem, we will find the real meaning of this poem.

In his essay What I Feel about Walt Whitman, his statement “He is disgusting. He is an exceedingly nauseating pill, but he accomplished his mission” indicates how much he did hate Whitman. Pound didn’t like Whitman’s thought about creating the new tradition of America. Below is what Pound wrote about Whitman’s modern thought:

“Entirely free from the renaissance humanist ideal of the complete man or from the Greek idealism, he is content to be what he is, and he is his time and his people. He is a genius because he has vision of what he is and of his function. He knows that he is a beginning and not a classically finished work”

It seems that Pound felt intimidating with Whitman’s talent and works. I may assume that this hatred feeling was laid on Pound when he was young, as a kid. Related to his line:

I have detested you long enough
I come to you as a grown child

He had been felt disgusted with Whitman for a long time. The next line he explains himself as a grown child. The use of grown child here is to explain to the readers that Pound had grown up. His will to have a truce and to kill off his hatred came from the bottom of his heart. ‘grown child’ indicates that people are growing into the maturity. He wasn’t a kind anymore. His thought and point of view could be more realistic and mature. That’s why he finally realized that disliking Whitman was only an unstable childish thing.

Who has had a pig-headed father;
It seems that Pound portrays Whitman as his father, but it’s not clear enough what kind of father it is. I may assume that what he meant is father of poem. As Whitman’s works totally intimidated him, he felt some kind of pressure towards Whitman. Pig-headed is defined as a stubborn head. At first, I thought he was telling about his real father, but it seems that father here refers to Whitman. Pound treats him as an elderly, his senior, and also his fore father.

I am old enough now to make friends.
It’s the continuous explanation of his previous line of grown child. As a grown child, a person must feel mature or old enough to do what he wants to do. He can now define what’s wrong and what’s right. This part explains the willingness of Pound to make friends with Whitman. He thought that it was the time to finally be friends with the one whom he had disliked before.

It was you that broke the new wood,
Now is a time for carving.
It refers to the role of Whitman as an American poet. It indicates the willingness of Pound to continue what Whitman has started. Whitman provides him with a new ‘wood’ and now it’s time for him to carve it. As Whitman has been already died, Pound is willing to ‘carve’ Whitman’s wood. ‘It was you’ indicates the self appointment. When we read it, we can imagine someone appoint his finger to us. This kind of feeling is like we are to take all the blame or we are to start something wrong. Just like what this poem tells about, this part shows us that Pound has already opened his mind and made a truce with Whitman. He has finally accepted Whitman’s works. Whitman was the one who broke the wood by making a vision that Pound couldn’t accept. That’s why their relationship is not good. Pound wants to carve the broken wood into a beautiful wood carving. In the other word, he wants to fix the broken relationship between them.

 The next lines explain the connection between him and Whitman who have the same ‘blood’ or probably ancestors.

We have one sap and one root –
Let there be commerce between us.
‘sap’ and ‘one root’ belong to biology term. Sap and root are the part of the plant. If we think about the sap in the plant, it’s the same meaning with ‘blood’ in our human body. The roof itself can be interpreted as the origin of both Pound and Whitman. Once again we must take a look into the history. It seems that both of them have the same origins and ancestors. At least it’s all what I got so far. Because of this reason, Pound finally made a truce or pact with Whitman. If I may say it through informal words, it’s like “Let’s finish it and be friends”. ‘commerce’ means ‘start’. In this case is the start of being friends and throwing away the hatred.

The use of historical background in this poem is very useful. Without reading What I Feel about Walt Whitman, we probably can’t understand the real meaning of this poem. Besides, this poem requires the explanation about the feeling of Pound towards Whitman, which we can’t find only by interpreting and reading it in the surface because we will find the literary meaning of it.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

INKHEART (by Cornelia Funke)

It comes into a thrilling adventure about magic and self-discovery. A twelve-years old girl, Meggie, lives quietly with her father, Mo whose job is a bookbinder. Since her mother, Resa, disappeared nine years ago, Maggie and her father centered their lives on books and reading. But Mo has a deep secret which Maggie has never known, until they meet Dustfinger and everything seems strange and blur for Meggie. This stranger comes to their house in the middle of the night, calling Mo “silvertongue”, Meggie is curious. The purpose of Dustfinger coming to Mo is to warn him about an evil named Capricorn who is looking for him. Finally revealed that Mo posseses an extraordinary magical power. When Meggie discovers that Mo can literally read characters from books into life, she begins to think that there might be more to her mother’s dissapearance than she has always been told. 

The both characters Dustfingers and Capricorn are those who had been accidentally read out by Mo from the book called Inkheart. To avoid the chase of Capricorn, the next day, Mo and Meggie leave to go to aunt Elinor’s house. Mo had been trying to get away from Dustfinger, which didin’t work, because Dustfinger had followed them. Unfortunately, they end up by being caught and dragged off by Capricorn. Meggie has herself in a valley where the malicious, merciless Capricorn live, all things in the valley came from the Inkheart: palace, village, and even the people. Meggie then finds out the other things: the contents of the book, the reason her mother dissapeared, and how Capricorn and his dark cast came from. In this story, Meggie must deal with revelations: the truth about her father’s secret, the story of how her mother dissapeared and the discovery that she has inherited her father’s magical talent. 
Like many other fantasy stories, this will appeal to a broad age range, not only for children. Funke has created a mysterious adventure tale for book lovers. Well-developed characters (some humorous, other sympathetic and some downright nasty in their deeds) and a strong sense of place will make readers curious to continue reading. The character of Dustfinger brings another view of human being. He is kind a loser who has no bravery at all but at the same time he has a good side as well. 
Inkheart is a book about books, very recommended for book lovers. Funke begins each chapter with quotes from well-known children’s books and successfully links them with the events of the chapters. It is good for children as they need such an education through books they read. And this kind of style can be applied to bring them a good effect, so what they have read won’t be usless. 
 Funke’s writing style combines a modern stuff with fable. At 534 pages, this book is longer than most young-adult novels, but it is dividedinto short and digestible chapters. Readers will feel amused by those sympathetic characters, including the villains whose words are far more threatening than their actions. An interesting part in the book is the time when Meggie reads the “Tin Soldier” out of a book. She slowly finds out that she also has Mo’s silvertongue power. Another interesting part is when Meggie finally meets her mother. There is a view of mother and daughter unseen bound which seems very strong.  
This book leaves us guessing as we know fictional characters come to life and struggle to make a place for themselves in the real world. What a fantasy! It’s an amusement when readers have such an imagination of their perfect character that will come into reality. They can play with the fantasy and also have their own favorite character. The lead character, Mo, becomes one of children’s favorite father role models. He is kind and cheerful. He likes to make a situation seems right even though it doesn’t. When he quarrels with Meggie, he’s often the first to apologize. He also realizes that reading characters out of the books can be so dangerous, since his wife Resa went into a book. 
The second book and third book of this trilogy, Inkspell and Inkdeath will lead the readers into another world of fantasy and adventure. The author writes in a very descriptive, imaginative waythat makes you want to keep reading. She has a distinct style, a creative mind that formulates a fabulous and thrilling story. This book is very recommended to all readers who like fantasy and adventure.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Review K-Drama Big (part 2)

Akhirnya...gue lanjutin dah ni review..

Kemarin kita sampai bagaimana KKJ beradaptasi dgn tubuh brunya YJ? Ya baiklah, gue belum sempet cerita tentang si Mari (MR), cewe yg suka ama KKJ. Well...Suzy ni yg main, cocok bgt dan pas bgt dia mainin karakter yg seperti itu. Haha. Siapa sih si MR ini sebenernya? Jadi, si MR ini punya masa lalu yg kurang bgs ama KKJ..karena seolah dialah penyebab ibu KKJ tewas. Detailnya? Nonton aja sendiri. I won't talk about that..let's just skip. Oke? Waktu si MR ini nongol di Seoul, KKJ yg wakti tu berada di dlm tubuh YJ kelimpungan bgt, karena si MR ini cewe yg agresif. Sampai akhirnya dia tau kalo KKJ dan YJ ketukar jiwanya. Itu tentang si MR sekilas aja ya..cuma buat perkenalan.

Next, masalah ending. Banyak yg berkomentar negatif tentang endingnya. Why? Mereka merasa tidak jelas dan bingung. Sebenernya, gue pertama agak krik krik jg tapi tidak butuh waktu lama untuk menelaah ending tersebut. Begini pendapat gue...

Yg bikin bingung sebenernya apa sih? Si cowo di bawah payung? KKJ or YJ? Let's discuss ya... Orang2 sebenernya pada kepengaruh ama perawakan si cowo itu. Kalau kita lihat endingnya, si KKJ ama YJ kan ke Jerman tuh, dan tubuh mrk emang udh kembali ke habitat (?) nya masing2. Tapi beberapa menit kemudian penonton dibikin bingung ama si cowo yg turun dari bis trus menghampiri DR. Inget ga, waktu dulu pertama kali DR ketemu KKJ? Ya begitu kan? Nah I assume, dan dugaan ini kuat, kalau cowo itu adalah cowo yg sama, yaitu, KKJ, bukan YJ. Masalahnya, bodi si cowo itu gede, gue rasa emang itu bodinya Gong Yoo sih, si YJ. Nah maka dari itu orang2 jd punya pikiran bercabang lagi. Yg awalnya 'ooooh udah balik to tubuhnya?' lalu jadi 'lho? kok itu kayak YJ? Bodinya segede itu?'

Hahaha. Ini pendapat gue lagi lho.. ada dua kemungkina  disini.
Pertama, si KKJ udah tumbuh, walaupun cuma setahun tapi siapa tau pertumbuhannya cepet, trus dia jadi segede itu..fitnes, olahraga, or apalah gitu. Kedua, mungkin aja si pemeran KKJ, si Won Ho, waktu itu nggak bisa dateng syuting, makanya diganttin gitu. Wkwkwkwk. Baiklah, dugaan gue yg kedua ini agak nggak mutu. Hehe. Kalau gitu mari kita bahas dari segi scripwriting nya aja ya. Tau sendiri Hong Sisters itu kreatif binti complicated. Kalau menurut gue kenapa mereka memutuskan nggak nongolin tampang si cowo di endingnya, dan malah nongolin adegan serupa yg telah terjadi sebelumnya, karena mereka ingin menunjukkan, ini KKJ menepati janjinya ke DR. Dan menurut gue it's not more than just a creativeness. Coba kalian tonton adegan itu, pasti dapet feel nya deh. Dan menurut gue, itu nggak masalah kok mukanya ga keliatan, malah bagus deh, in my opinion. Mereka menunjukkan segi estetika dalam penulisan naskah dan mengeksekusinya dgn baik.

Permasalahnnya disni adalah, kadang kita sebagai viewer menuntut ending yg sesuai harapan kita. Padahal ga selalu harus begitu kan. Kita nggak harus menuntut ending yg indah ataupun jelas, ending menggantung (open ending) jg ada dan malahan makin bagus. Tapi, untuk beberapa orang, open ending malah tidak disukai, dan menurut gue, orang2 seperti itu adalah orang2 yg maunya enak melulu. Come on! You can't ask for happy endings all the time! Dan jadi penonton hendaknya kritis, jgn nonton trus udah terima jadi aja gt, nah giliran endingnya open, eh jadi bingung. Udah kebiasaan sih menerima close ending yg kadang predictable! I love this drama because of his complicated sub-stories.

Tentang alasan YJ blm sreg menikahi DR udh gue sampein kan di part 1 nya? Sekali lagi, itu hanya dugaan gue. Basically, this story njelimet, tapi bagus. Yg paling gue inget waktu adegan DR buang segala pemberian KKJ dan juga sebaliknya, tetapi giliran KKJ mau buang segala sesuatu yg dikasih DR, dia tidak bisa menemukan apa2 untuk dibuang. Kalau gue jadi DR, gue jg akan berpikir, "dia telah memberiku banyak hal, tapi apa yg telah aku berikan dan lakukan untuknya?" nothing. Uuuh itu jleb bgt. Dan tau gimana? Setelah KKJ keluar rumah, DR mengambil plastik sampah yg  msh kosong yg awalnya mau dipake KKJ untuk membuang barang2 yg dikasih DR. DR meniup plastik itu trus membisikkan "i love you" ke dalamnya, lalu mengikatnya, dan kemudian dibuang di sampah.See? Ini simbolis bgt, tapi meaningful abis. My fave part. Sekali lagi, Hong Sisters emang kreatif.

So..yg belum nonton, mungkin tunggu aja kali di indosiar, atau minta gue jg nggak apa2. I can't tell much, silakan ditonton sendiri dan berkomentarlah sesuai apa yg kalian tangkap dan iterpretasi.  Enjoy it!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Warzone [by The Wanted]

I can't believe I had to see 
The girl of my dreams cheating on me  
The pain you caused has left me dead inside   
I'm gonna make sure you regret that night
I feel you close, I feel you breathe  
And now it's like you're here  
You're haunting me  
You're out of line, you're out of sight  
You're the reason that we started this fight
But I know I just gotta let it go  
I should'a known I gotta learn to say goodbye now 
I throw my armour down  
And leave the battleground  
For the final time now  
I know I'm running from a warzone
In our house, I hate that place  
Everywhere I walk I see your face  
Try to erase a memory with a flame  
And hope I never see you again  
Standing here in this burning room 
You know the end could never come so soon  
It's clear to me the lies you use  
The ones that kill me ain't hurting you

Well..mengingat kegalauan sy yg memuncak ketika tau sy terancam ga bisa nntn konser The Wanted bln dpn, mari kita bahas saja lagu-lagu mereka, sambil terus berdoa keajaiban dan mukjizat menghampiri sy. Kenapa sy suka The Wanted? Padahal di sekitar kita sudah terlihat  jelas kalau One Direction sangat mendominasi. Jujur saja sy tidak suka membandingkan kedua grup ini, karena mereka semua bagus, dan musik mereka beda. Sy memang bukan pengamat musik, tapi dengan telinga awam sy ini, sy merasakan perbedaan yang lumayan besar diantara mereka. I won't tell much ya, kalian bisa browsing lagu-lagu The Wanted, dan pasti setelah itu kalian akan tahu apa yg membuat musik mereka enak di kuping sy, itupun kalau kita sependapat dan seselera loh. Sekalilagi, setiap orang punya selera yg berbeda.

Nah, Warzone ini lagu TW (disingkat aja ya), adalah salah satu lagu yg paling sy suka, kalau diurutkan, berada dibawah Glad You Came, yg merupakan lagu TW super favorit sy. Ah..Glad You Came sy bahas later ya.. :) Warzone merupakan lagu 'curhat' nya si Nathan, yg dahulu kala pernah diselingkuhi cewenya. Oooh poor boy..sini ama aku aja. *eh?* Dan Nathanpun jg ikut turun tangan menulis lagu ini, secara dia yg punya cerita. Seperti tertulis di liriknya, yg sy anggap sangat bagus. Bener-bener ini lho..kalau cowo sedang marah dan tersakiti. Sadis banget, seperti melodinya. Waktu pertama denger lagu ini, sy langsung fall in love ama melodinya. Waktu itu sy berkomentar kalau lagu ini menyiratkan rasa sakit dan tragis dengan sukses. 

Jenis lagu ballad tetapi kalau kita dengarkan, ada unsur nge-rock di dalamnya. Betul? Dan yg paling oke disini adalah dubstepnya. Ya sy sih ga ngerti dubstep tu sebenernya kyk apa, tapi taulah..ohh ini dubstep. Ya..just like that lah.  Semua perpaduan ini dijadikan satu dan menjadi musik yg indah, berikut lirik yg amazing pula. Very well written. Lirik favorit sy -> 

throw my armour down  
And leave the battleground  
For the final time now  
I know I'm running from a warzone

Karena diambil dari album Battleground, lagu ini sangat mendeskripsikan feature2 tentang battleground. I totally love it! Coba ditelaah meaning lirik tersebut. Apakah suatu bentuk menyerah? Atau gimana? Sekilas memang terlihat seperti itu, tapi yg sy tangkap disini adl bagaimana si cowo akhirnya menemukan fakta kalau cewenya bermain dibelakangnya. Dan secara keseluruhan, sy menyimpulkan kalau, suatu hubungan yg sudah tidak jujur lagi, lebih baik memang dihentikan saja. Buat apa memeprtahankan kekasihmu kalau dia saja membelot dibelakangmu? Itu tandanya dia tidak peduli, dan tidak peduli itu tandanya tidak cinta. Who's agree? Ada yg pernah merasakan pengalaman seperti ini? Hehe. Sy harap ga ada ya. Kalaupun ada, mungkin bisa jadiin ni lagu theme song. Disamping bisa menyiratkan rasa sakitnya, jg bisa menyiratkan kemarahannya pula. 

Ini link youtube nya, in case kalian mau tau lagunya->

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Reflection of Father-Son Relationship (in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman)

            Death of a Salesman is very rich story. We can find many values and messages that can remind us of how difficult a life is; that life sometimes is full of misery, where the reality is not running as smoothly as what we have expected. That’s what happens to Willy Loman, the main character of this play. The problem is, this guy lives in the shadow of his own illusion. He doesn’t know that his illusion is actually a sign of his own failure, that later on bring him into death without accomplishing his ‘dream’ mission even once.
Willy Loman is old and exhausted. At the age of sixty, he should have been enjoying his time and settling down in a peaceful life. However, he’s still struggling to build his family’s welfare and to pursue his dream into reality. He’s kind of person who dreams really high, or we can see that he has a very high principle about life too. His job, salesman, is his own decision. His notion about being well-liked and having a good personal attractiveness becomes the major point of him in educating his sons, Biff and Happy.
We are more heavily invested in the theories of failure than we are in the theory of success” (Bandura: 1998)[1]. Sometimes we think about the most righteous thought for us. Willy formulated his own theory of success and tried to apply it but unfortunately he couldn’t hold it tight and finally slipped. Having a life notion and principle is not a wrong thing, it doesn’t break the law, it doesn’t disturb the society, but it turns into a misery when someone is finally trapped within his/her own notion, just like Willy. Later this failure will take effects to every side of his personal life, and we can’t deny that those effects may cause the pressure on Willy’s shoulder, especially when it comes to the relationship between him and his sons. Willy had good times with his sons in the past as they saw him as a role model and also as a good father figure.
Parents serve as models for their children to imitate, but let’s talk this issue that Biff and Happy saw Willy as their favorite and inspiring figure in the family, the one who can provide them with sweet vision about the future. “You and Hap and I, and I’ll show you all the towns. America is full of beautiful towns…” (p.133). It shows that Willy is really a dreamer; from that dialogues he seems to give his sons a very big vision of American dream. “Bigger than Uncle Charley! Because Charley is not—liked. He’s liked, but he’s not—well liked” (p.122). This part indicates that Willy also provides his sons with a statement about being well liked again and again.
It’s already explained above that Willy used that kind of notion to educate his children. The result is under expectation as Biff turned around and changed his mind about his admired father. It happened when Biff was in high school. At first, he used to be a popular and famous guy among his friends; he was so good-looking and so many girls were falling for him, and he was very good at sport—football. Those kinds of achievements seemed to be so precious to Willy. He was very proud of Biff and he thought that he was successful in educating his children well, by finally reaching fame and attractiveness. However, there was one situation that ruined that pride. Biff was flunked in Math. In short, in this situation we may consider that fame is not everything. Willy always stated that by being well-liked, we would be able to get a successful life. It was successful but it’s not permanent, all of Willy’s pride that time was only a temporary stuff that may have gone in no times.
That ‘math tragedy’ is the beginning of the broken relationship between Biff and Willy. Ben was looking for his beloved father when he found him in the hotel room with a woman he didn’t know. In all sudden, all the bright view towards Willy was destroyed. Willy’s character as an admired father was gone to nowhere as Biff felt disappointed in him. That’s why he called Willy as a ‘fake’ (p.156), means that all these times he filled his sons’ mind with good things and values but in the end he fell. He did something contrast with what he had taught to both Biff and Happy.
However, Willy shouldn’t be the only one who must take all the blame. He has his own dilemma and problem too, and unfortunately his sons don’t understand this. It can be seen through Linda’s words which sound so furious to Biff and Happy for not understanding Willy’s misery. “Are they any worse than his sons? When he brought them business, when he was young, they were glad to see him. But now…” (p.155). It’s right that only Linda who can understand Willy. She’s a very good wife, she’s very patient, but as a mother she feels disappointed in her sons.
Willy feels lonely too. After the father-sons relationship went down, Biff and Happy was rarely home, just like what Willy said “Work a lifetime to pay off a house. You finally own it, and there’s nobody to live in it.” (p.119). Later, it’s supported by Linda’s part “What happened to the love you had for him? You were such pals! How you used to talk to him on the phone every night! How lonely he…” (155-156). In the past, Willy travelled around the country and he only had a little time with the family. Every time he went home and met his children, he felt happy. But now, his sons are the ones who left him away.
The father-son relationship can be seen through the way they used to address each other. ‘Pal’ means good friend. It indicates they are close each other. Even Biff and Happy called Willy ‘Pop’. I often find the using of word ‘pal’ in the family movies, when a father addresses his children.
The term ‘like father like son’ is not fully accepted in this case. At first it may seem right, as for Biff, the characteristic of Willy who is probably half-lazy may affect his future as well. When he was in high school, he was probably blinded by the fame so he ignored the suggestion from his friend, Bernard, to keep studying hard all the time. At that time, Willy showed such an ignorance reaction too about this case, because he thought that Biff had already achieved his goals to be well liked, famous, and attractive. In the other hand, a son is not always like his father. Biff refused to be a salesman like Willy. He has tried for sure to gain money by doing various jobs but he kept failing to enjoy his life. The title “Death of a Salesman” not only represents the death of Willy literally, but also the death of ‘salesman’ profession itself as Biff refused to continue his father’s career.
From this story we can learn about a father who actually forces himself to apply his own principle to his children. It must be understood that sometimes children and parents are not all the same, and not all teaching methods suit with the children’s acceptance. Willy’s notion about being well liked probably seems right to him but it probably doesn’t seem right to his children. However, in the end he failed to reach his dream. Instead of gaining fame, he ended up with a pitiful death, even his requiem was not attended by many people just like what he had imagined; obviously he has failed to fulfill his notion.

[1] Quotation cited from psychologist Albert Bandura who’s well-known for his theory of self-efficacy

Apresiasi para Gerrarddicted dan Liverpudlian

Berikut ini adalah banner Steven Gerrard Indonesia yang dibawa ke LFC Asia Tour 2011 lalu dan mendapat sambutan hangat dari para the Reds dari seluruh penjuru dunia. Spread the Gerrard fever! ^^

Friday, August 10, 2012

[UPDATED PROFILE] @IndoStevieG on Twitter Steven Gerrard Indonesia (established August 4, 2010)

1.       Adhie                                            @ImGerrardicted
2.       Devi                                              @DeviAnanta
3.       Rahma                                           @rahmaSG8
4.       Atiqqah                                         @atyyh
5.       Putri                                              @aphrodite_04
6.       Firna                                              @FRDamayanti
7.       Intan                                              @itnps

#Gerrarddicted adalah sapaan kami bagi kalian semua pencinta Steven Gerrard, kapten fantastis yang selalu menginsiprasi orang-orang di sekitarnya.

Indo Stevie G merupakan fan base untuk skipper Liverpool dan Inggris, Steven George Gerrard, MBE. Lokasi tentu saja di Indonesia. Awal terbentuknya akun ini adalah keinginan beberapa anak muda Liverpudlian untuk membuat sebuah wadah komunitas fans Steven Gerrard. Pondasi utama pastinya rasa cinta dan kagum terhadap sang kapten, hingga tercetuslah ide untuk membuat suatu akun yang mampu merepresentasikan perasaan tersebut. So, munculah Indo Stevie G, yang dapat dijadikan tempat sharing kamu-kamu yang juga ngefans ma Stevie G. Selain itu, Indo Stevie G juga memberikan update tentang Liverpool FC, karena semua admin dan kebanyakan follower adalah Liverpudlian. Update tentang England NT juga ada, tapi memang porsinya tidak sebanyak LFC.

Selain menyediakan tweet informasi dan berita, Indo Stevie G juga memiliki konsep dan program lain yang juga merupakan agenda utama akun ini. Berikut penjelasan lebih lanjut…
-Stevie G Quiz (#StevieGQuiz)
Kuis asik berhadiah. Bagi follower yang beruntung akan mendapat hadiah dari kami.

-Live Tweeting
Hadir setiap LFC bertanding, menyajikan update langsung, sejenis live commentary lah pokoknya dan menemani followers menyaksikan pertandingan. Admin yang bertugas live tweeting sudah terjadwal.

-Ask Stevie (#AskStevie)
Follower bisa nanya apa aja tentang Stevie, baik on pitch maupun off pitch. Akan kami usahakan sebisa mungkin untuk menjawab pertanyaan kalian. 

-Stevaluation (#Stevaluation)
Follower bebas mengapresiasi kinerja Indo Stevie G (admin), baik melalui opini, kritik, saran, ataupun pujian (hehe). Hadir palin tidak sebulan sekali. Tujuannya untuk evaluasi dan pengembangan akun agar lebih baik lagi ke depannya. Selain itu, juga sebagai sarana pendekatan diri antara admin dan follower, serta media bagi follower untuk menyampaikan suara dan aspirasinya.

-Stevie Quotes (#StevieGQuotes)
Kutipan kata-kata Steven Gerrard yang bisa membuat kita tersenyum dan bahkan terharu. Bisa dijadikan penentram jiwa dan obat kalau kamu lagi galau. ^_^

-Stevie Pics (#StevieGPics)
Sesi sharing gambar-gambar Stevie. Bisa dikomen sesuka hati, dan followers juga bebas mengirim gambar, yang nantinya bisa diapresiasi bersama.

-On Tour (#OnTour)
Merupakan sesi jalan-jalan. Admin yang bertugas pada sesi ini akan mengajak kalian ke tempat-tempat menarik yang berhubungan dengan Stevie ataupun Liverpool FC. Seperti contoh, sesi On Tour yang sudah pernah kami adakan adalah: On Tour ke rumah Stevie dan Anfield Tour with Stevie G. Sesi ini bisa saja diulang kembali jika diperlukan, mengingat mungkin masih ada yang blm kebagian. :D

-Stevie Facts (#StevieGFacts)
Menyajikan fakta-fakta menarik seputar Stevie. Bisa membantu kita mengenal lebih dekat sang kapten.

-Stevie Lesson (#StevieGLesson)
Sesi berbagi kisah mengenai pengalaman Stevie yang bisa kita petik hikmahnya. Dimana kita juga bisa belajar dari pak kapten tentang bagaimana bersikap dan bertindak. Dilandasi pengalaman-pengalaman Stevie yang bisa kita jadikan sebagai kisah-kisah inspiratif, Stevie lesson ini diharapkan bisa membuka hati kita untuk selalu menerima pelajaran baru dalam hidup.

Hal-hal lain di luar sesi yang telah disebutkan di atas. Dapat berupa apa saja. Misalnya, kami pernah mengadakan “Bedah Autobiography Stevie”, dan lain-lain. Beberapa event dan moment tertentu juga masuk dalam kategori ini, seperti games, trivia, moment  ulang tahun, dan lain-lain, termasuk #StevieGProject. Contoh Stevie project kami pernah mengadakan song cover, yaitu ketika momen ulang tahun Stevie 30 Mei 2012 lalu.

Why we are different…..
-Board Meeting
Para admin mengadakan meeting rutin untuk membicarakan konsep, masalah, evaluasi dan apapun yang telah diagendakan untuk dibahas. Kami berusaha menjaga teamwork dengan baik agar kepengurusan akun dapat berjalan lancar, teratur, dan tertata rapi.

Indo Stevie memang akun fan base di Indonesia, tetapi atas keputusan bersama (para admin dan followers), kami sepakat untuk menggunakan sistem bilingual atau dwi bahasa, yaitu Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris. Keputusan ini kami ambil mengingat followers dan ruang lingkup kami yang tidak hanya nasional, tetapi juga internasional. Disamping itu, dengan bilingual, jangkauan berita atau tweet yang di update akan berskala universal.

Akun ini telah memiliki konsep dan program yang cukup jelas, seperti yang telah disebutkan di atas. Mungkin belum sempurna, tapi kami berusaha menyajikan media informasi sebaik dan serapi mungkin.
Kami jg berusaha  menjaga keharmonisan dgn followers. Kami ingin membangun hubungan yg baik dan juga santai, seperti keluarga, karena LFC memang didasari oleh kekeluargaan. Itulah yg harus kita wujudkan bersama. Sehingga, mohon kerjasamanya agar semua kegiatan dan aktivitas dapat berjalan dgn lancar.

-Relationship yang harmonis
Kami sebagai admin berusaha menyajikan yang terbaik bagi teman-teman semua. Kami juga ingin hubungan ini tidak hanya terbatas pada admin dan followers saja. Karena pada dasarnya kita semua adalah keluarga besar dan kami juga ingin berteman dengan kalian dan menjalin hubungan yang harmonis. Oleh karena itu jangan ragu-ragu untuk menghubungi kami kalau kalian membutuhkan sesuatu atau sekedar ingin berteman. Selain itu, yang perlu dicatat baik-baik, kami tidak menerima ataupun melayani FANWAR.

Semoga profil ini cukup memberikan pencerahan tentang Steven Gerrard Indonesia. Kami tunggu partisipasi kalian. Salam, ADMINS.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Solo Astronaut (part 3)--END

Yuhuuuu...setelah encore pun kami masih menginginkan more performances...iya biasanya kan maruk. Udah dikasih encore eh mau encore lagi. Kapan dong selesainya? Hehe. Dasar. Nah, after watching Pierre cs, malam itu hujan deres buangeeeet! Padahal udah jam sebelas malem dan sy masih terjebak di Istora Senayan. Udah bingung aja tu udah malem takut om sama tante cemas. Tapi untungnya mereka mengizinkan, secara ujan deres bgt gt gimana sy mau pulang. Naek motor pula. Alhasil sy dan si Adhie nongrong gitu disono, yg lain udh pada dijemput gitu. Eh ujannya jg kurang ajar. Udah diungguin dia ga kelar2. Yaudah deh mau nggak mau harus pulang juga. Ujan2an horeeee... sampai kertas yg berhiaskan *halah* tanda tangan Pierre juga ikutan basah gitu. Untung ga sobek. Secara ya jarang2 lho gue dapat harta karun begituan. Buat gue selembar kertas lusuh itu harta karun bgt tapi buat tante2 gw, itu cuma selembar kertas useless kayaknya. LOL. Sy pamerin kan tu eh malah diketawain. Oke balik lagi...kan sy msh di jakarta kan ceritanya..hehe

Pulang ujan2, basah semua, padahal sy cuma bawa jeans satu biji. Dan besoknya sy harus pulang ke solo. Alhasil besoknya sy pake rok..untung bawa. Fiuhh. Besoknya sy cabut dari rumah om sy jam tiga sore, sodara2...padahal keretanya jam delapan malem! Kata tante, jemput om dulu terus makan, terus baru ke Gambir. After picking up my uncle, kami makan..hmm bukan lunch, blm dinner juga..secara masih jam lima sorean gitu. Apa dong namanya? Hahaha. At first sy niatnya mau makan di kereta aja tapi setelah dipikir lagi malah repot ntar, paling sy juga molor, ga sempet makan, yaudah deh makan dulu aja. Otw dlm KA Argolawu sy bener2 total istirahat. Sambil ngebayangin Pierre. Bener2 dah unforgettable experience bgt bisa liat Pierre secara langsung. Salah satu makhluk terindah ciptaan Tuhan. Ampe rumah langsung mengolah fancam, ya tau sendiri lah fancams tu kayak gimana..goyang sana goyang sini, miring sana, miring sini, berisik pula, tapi punya fancam yg direkam pakai tangan sendiri adalah suatu kebahagiaan yg nyaris tak ternilai harganya. Eaaaaa...Ampe sekarang fancam nya masih tersimpan rapi di folder. Berantakan bgt gambarnya biarin dah. Bisa denger suara sy ikutan nyanyi juga, agak cempreng atpi berhubung itu suara datangnya turus dari hati ya merdu2 aja menurut sy. *Pede*

Ya begitulah sekilas kisah dari seorang astronaut yg berasal dari kota solo, jawa tengah yang menempuh pulhan kilo, puluhan mil jg bisa, untuk menncapai apa yang dia inginkan, menonon Pierre Bouvier secara dekat dan jelas. Nggak cuma Pierre, semua member Simple Plan amazing. I love their music! Keep inspiring me ya, guys. I love you.. -The Solo Astronaut- X

Review K-Drama "Big" (part 1)

Recently, gue baru kelar nonton Big, KDrama yg di 'tukangi' duo scripwriter handal, the Hong Sisters. Kenapa gue decided utk menulis review tentang drama ini? Iya, karena this drama has so many things yg bisa ditulis dan dibahas karena storyline nya emang comlicated tapi sangat berisi..well menurut gue sih. Banyak yg mempermasalhkan ending darama ini, tapi tentu saja gue nggak akan bahas itu dulu. Mana ada orang review dari belakang. Hehe. Oiya, tulisan gue ini hanya sudut pandang gue aja sih, tiap orang pasti punya opini dan tanggapan yang beda2. Jadi kita mulai darimana sih? I won't discuss per episode ya..soalnya nanti malah keliatan kayak sinopsis atau rangkuman atau intisari atau apalah itu namanya. Tujuan gue kan mau bahas dan menyampaikan isi pikiran gue.

Yang udah pada kelar nonton juga, mungkin bisa sedikit klik dgn apa yg gue tulis ini. Yang belum, gue harap jgn bingung ya. Seperti yang kita tau kalau drama ini mengisahkan dua kakak beradik yang terpisah tapi mereka tidak mengetahuinya. Boro2 tau terpisah, tau punya sodara aja enggak. Yang gue garisbawahi pertama kali adalah bagaimana menyedihkannya hidup Kyung Joo. Dia seperti anak yg terabaikan. Ia hanya dilahirkan untuk menyelamatkan nyawa kakaknya, tidak lebih. Setelah itu dia dibuang gitu aja. Beruntungnya dia punya seorang ibu yg membesarkannya dgn kasih sayang, walaupun si ibu ini notabene hanya seorang surrogate mother, tapi bagaimanapun jg dia yg merawat Kyung Joo seperti anaknya sendiri..*toh dia jg lahir dari rahimnya kan* Ah, from now on, let's say Kyung Joo itu KKJ ya, biar lebih pendek gitu nulisnya ^^ Sayang si ibu meninggal dgn cara tragis, yg menyebabkab KKJ trauma. Nah, disini gue agak melihat sedikit celah utk teori oedipus complex. Maksudnya, si KKJ menemukan sosok yg ngayomi dia di dlm diri Da Ran. Sebenernya sih kisah cinta Da Ran yg seorang guru dgn KKJ yg adalah muridnya, seperti meflashback kisah cinta kedua orang tua daran yg dulunya jg adalah guru dan murid. Makanya at first gue heran gitu kok maminya Da Ran msh muda padahal si papi udh agak berumur. So this kind of pattern is quite possible. Waktu baca sinopsis singkat sebelum mulai nonton, gue sempet bertanya-tanya jg..ini kan bodi mereka bakal ketukar, nah tujuannya apa? Masa cuma pengen menceritakan Da Ran yg fall in love ama brondong?

Apalagi dia jg sukaaaaa bgt gitu ama si Yoon Jae. Talking about Yoon Jae dan Da Ran. Di episode2 awal, kita dibikin penasaran oleh tingkah2 YJ (Yoon Jae), kita seolah disugesti kalau YJ tidak benar2 mencintai Da Ran (DR) dan all those marriage stuffs hanya demi menunaikan kewajibannya berada di sisi DR selamanya. Jujur at first gue agak kepengaruh gitu. Ni cowok cinta nggak sih ama DR? Niat nggak sih? As a girl gue merasa agak insulted jg. Selain itu, kita juga agak dipusingkan, atau mungkin, dialihkan perhatiannya oleh keberadaan Se Young (SY). Jadi seolah YJ kayak punya affair gt ama SY. Ampe SY ngasih kunci apartemennya ke YJ. Tapi let's duscuss this... YJ tidak pernah bohong. Dia memang sudah fall in love sama DR at the first sight waktu acara nikahan temennya, ketika DR membawakan bouquet bunga dan mereka ketemu di lift, lalu YJ dgn sengaja pay attention ke DR layaknya seorang cowok yg tertarik pada seorang cewek dan mulai mendekatinya pelan2. That was cute, if I may say. Dan SY akhirnya bilang kalau YJ tidak pernah menggubrisnya, kunci apartemennya jg tdk pernah ia pakai. Dia benar2 mencintai DR. I can confirm. Nah....

Persoalan di episode awal kenapa dia terlihat seolah ragu2, mungkin ada beberapa kemungkinan yg kepikiran oleh gue: YJ sakit kan tu, later kan terungkap kalau dia kena leukimia waktu kecil, dan si KKJ inilah yg nyelametin hidupnya. I don't understand urusan medis ya, tapi KKJ emang sengaja dibikin *maaf ga enak bgt pilihan katanya* utk nyelametin si YJ. Ya lewat surrogate mom itu. Jelas, dia tetap anak kandung kedua ortu YJ dan jelas jg dia sodara sedarah YJ. Hanya saja dia lahir dari rahim wanita lain. Poor boy.Hbs itu ga dianggap. :( Nah, mungkin karena YJ tau sakitnya muncul lagi, dia lebih pilih, well...merencanakan..utk me-cancel (kali lho) pernikahannya dgn DR. Ga keliatan kayak dia mau cancel sih tapi dia cuma keliatan ragu2 aja deng. Sampai akhirnya ketika DR nagih jawaban apa YJ mencintainya apa tidak, YJ akhirnya menyanggupi utk mrk bertemu, hingga akhirnya terjadi kecelakaan tsb. Nah yg gue suka disini waktu YJ berusaha nyelametin KKJ yg ikut tenggelam ke sungai bersamanya. Lukisan dua malaikat yg berlabelkan 'miracle'. Tau kan? Nah from that point, gue yakin pasti dua orang ini ada hubungan apa gitu. Sudah nebak dari awal sih kl mereka kakak-adik tapi gatau kakak-adik dari mananya.

Pertukaran tubuh ini kalo menurut gue memiliki tujuan tersendiri. Lebih kepada KKJ nya I think. Why? Dengan dia berada di tubuh YJ, dia jadi tau asal usul dia. Ya walau hal itu suatu saat bakal terkuak juga, tapi dgn cara begini at least dia jadi lebih cepat dalam menemukan fakta tentang hidupnya ini. Di samping itu, dengan begini KKJ selain bisa menemukan keluarga aslinya, juga bisa menjadi pengganti YJ untuk urusan DR. Toh tidak butuh waktu lama bagi KKJ utk beradaptasi dgn tubuhnya yg 'big' ini. Dia menjadi jauh lebih dewasa selama berada dlm tubuh YJ.

 ------bersambung----- part 2 menyusul. Agak lupa tadi mau nulis apa, padahal udah kepikiran poin2nya. Lemme continue later ya....... X