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Showing posts from August, 2012

A PACT (Hermeneutic Analysis)

A Pact by Ezra Loomis Pound (Hermeneutic Analysis) If we take a look to this poem, we will find it interesting. The way Pound delivers his thoughts really pulls us to know more about what this is all about. We first take a glance and try to understand the meaning in the surface. After that we must take a further step to understand the meaning deeper. Hermeneutic deals with text interpretations. This poem grabs our attention because of its content. We consider that Pound mentioned Walt Whitman. This is probably the main puzzle that we must solve. Through the heuristic reading we may find that this poem tells about a man who finally makes a truce with someone he hates. He finally accepts the fact that they must kill off their conflict or problem. However, the question is, we can’t find the problem they were involved in. We don’t know why Pound didn’t like Whitman in the beginning. This is why we must look for the cause, searching deep down into the history or the ori

INKHEART (by Cornelia Funke)

It comes into a thrilling adventure about magic and self-discovery. A twelve-years old girl, Meggie, lives quietly with her father, Mo whose job is a bookbinder. Since her mother, Resa, disappeared nine years ago, Maggie and her father centered their lives on books and reading. But Mo has a deep secret which Maggie has never known, until they meet Dustfinger and everything seems strange and blur for Meggie. This stranger comes to their house in the middle of the night, calling Mo “silvertongue”, Meggie is curious. The purpose of Dustfinger coming to Mo is to warn him about an evil named Capricorn who is looking for him. Finally revealed that Mo posseses an extraordinary magical power. When Meggie discovers that Mo can literally read characters from books into life, she begins to think that there might be more to her mother’s dissapearance than she has always been told.  The both characters Dustfingers and Capricorn are those who had been accidentally read out by Mo from the bo

Review K-Drama Big (part 2)

Akhirnya...gue lanjutin dah ni review.. Kemarin kita sampai bagaimana KKJ beradaptasi dgn tubuh brunya YJ? Ya baiklah, gue belum sempet cerita tentang si Mari (MR), cewe yg suka ama KKJ. Well...Suzy ni yg main, cocok bgt dan pas bgt dia mainin karakter yg seperti itu. Haha. Siapa sih si MR ini sebenernya? Jadi, si MR ini punya masa lalu yg kurang bgs ama KKJ..karena seolah dialah penyebab ibu KKJ tewas. Detailnya? Nonton aja sendiri. I won't talk about that..let's just skip. Oke? Waktu si MR ini nongol di Seoul, KKJ yg wakti tu berada di dlm tubuh YJ kelimpungan bgt, karena si MR ini cewe yg agresif. Sampai akhirnya dia tau kalo KKJ dan YJ ketukar jiwanya. Itu tentang si MR sekilas aja ya..cuma buat perkenalan. Next, masalah ending. Banyak yg berkomentar negatif tentang endingnya. Why? Mereka merasa tidak jelas dan bingung. Sebenernya, gue pertama agak krik krik jg tapi tidak butuh waktu lama untuk menelaah ending tersebut. Begini pendapat gue... Yg bikin bingung sebe

Warzone [by The Wanted]

I can't believe I had to see   The girl of my dreams cheating on me   The pain you caused has left me dead inside     I'm gonna make sure you regret that night I feel you close, I feel you breathe   And now it's like you're here   You're haunting me   You're out of line , you're out of sight   You're the reason that we started this fight   But I know I just gotta let it go   I should'a known I gotta learn to say goodbye now   I throw my armour down   And leave the battleground   For the final time now   I know I'm running from a warzone   In our house, I hate that place   Everywhere I walk I see your face   Try to erase a memory with a flame   And hope I never see you again   Standing here in this burning room   You know the end could never come so soon   It's clear to me the lies you use   The ones that kill me ain't hurting you Well..mengingat kegalauan sy yg memunc

The Reflection of Father-Son Relationship (in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman)

            Death of a Salesman is very rich story. We can find many values and messages that can remind us of how difficult a life is; that life sometimes is full of misery, where the reality is not running as smoothly as what we have expected. That’s what happens to Willy Loman, the main character of this play. The problem is, this guy lives in the shadow of his own illusion. He doesn’t know that his illusion is actually a sign of his own failure, that later on bring him into death without accomplishing his ‘dream’ mission even once. Willy Loman is old and exhausted. At the age of sixty, he should have been enjoying his time and settling down in a peaceful life. However, he’s still struggling to build his family’s welfare and to pursue his dream into reality. He’s kind of person who dreams really high, or we can see that he has a very high principle about life too. His job, salesman, is his own decision. His notion about being well-liked and having a good personal attractivenes

Apresiasi para Gerrarddicted dan Liverpudlian

Berikut ini adalah banner Steven Gerrard Indonesia yang dibawa ke LFC Asia Tour 2011 lalu dan mendapat sambutan hangat dari para the Reds dari seluruh penjuru dunia. Spread the Gerrard fever! ^^

[UPDATED PROFILE] @IndoStevieG on Twitter Steven Gerrard Indonesia (established August 4, 2010)

Admins: 1.        Adhie                                             @ImGerrardicted 2.        Devi                                               @DeviAnanta 3.        Rahma                                           @rahmaSG8 4.        Atiqqah                                          @atyyh 5.        Putri                                               @aphrodite_04 6.        Firna                                               @FRDamayanti 7.        Intan                                               @itnps #Gerrarddicted adalah sapaan kami bagi kalian semua pencinta Steven Gerrard, kapten fantastis yang selalu menginsiprasi orang-orang di sekitarnya. Indo Stevie G merupakan fan base untuk skipper Liverpool dan Inggris, Steven George Gerrard, MBE. Lokasi tentu saja di Indonesia. Awal terbentuknya akun ini adalah keinginan beberapa anak muda Liverpudlian untuk membuat sebuah wadah komunitas fans Steven Gerrard. Pondasi utama pastinya rasa cinta dan kagum terh

The Solo Astronaut (part 3)--END

Yuhuuuu...setelah encore pun kami masih menginginkan more performances...iya biasanya kan maruk. Udah dikasih encore eh mau encore lagi. Kapan dong selesainya? Hehe. Dasar. Nah, after watching Pierre cs, malam itu hujan deres buangeeeet! Padahal udah jam sebelas malem dan sy masih terjebak di Istora Senayan. Udah bingung aja tu udah malem takut om sama tante cemas. Tapi untungnya mereka mengizinkan, secara ujan deres bgt gt gimana sy mau pulang. Naek motor pula. Alhasil sy dan si Adhie nongrong gitu disono, yg lain udh pada dijemput gitu. Eh ujannya jg kurang ajar. Udah diungguin dia ga kelar2. Yaudah deh mau nggak mau harus pulang juga. Ujan2an horeeee... sampai kertas yg berhiaskan *halah* tanda tangan Pierre juga ikutan basah gitu. Untung ga sobek. Secara ya jarang2 lho gue dapat harta karun begituan. Buat gue selembar kertas lusuh itu harta karun bgt tapi buat tante2 gw, itu cuma selembar kertas useless kayaknya. LOL. Sy pamerin kan tu eh malah diketawain. Oke balik lagi

Review K-Drama "Big" (part 1)

Recently, gue baru kelar nonton Big, KDrama yg di 'tukangi' duo scripwriter handal, the Hong Sisters. Kenapa gue decided utk menulis review tentang drama ini? Iya, karena this drama has so many things yg bisa ditulis dan dibahas karena storyline nya emang comlicated tapi sangat berisi..well menurut gue sih. Banyak yg mempermasalhkan ending darama ini, tapi tentu saja gue nggak akan bahas itu dulu. Mana ada orang review dari belakang. Hehe. Oiya, tulisan gue ini hanya sudut pandang gue aja sih, tiap orang pasti punya opini dan tanggapan yang beda2. Jadi kita mulai darimana sih? I won't discuss per episode ya..soalnya nanti malah keliatan kayak sinopsis atau rangkuman atau intisari atau apalah itu namanya. Tujuan gue kan mau bahas dan menyampaikan isi pikiran gue. Yang udah pada kelar nonton juga, mungkin bisa sedikit klik dgn apa yg gue tulis ini. Yang belum, gue harap jgn bingung ya. Seperti yang kita tau kalau drama ini mengisahkan dua kakak beradik yang terpisah tap