Tuesday, March 11, 2014

University of Liverpool {submitted for British Embassy's Quiz}

Berikut tulisan singkat saya mengenai University of Liverpool. Pendek sih..cuma beberapa kalimat saja. Toh tujuannya memang untuk ikut kuis dan yeayyyyy menang!! Merchandise yang saya dapat dari British Embassy dan British Council tentu saja sangat menarik hati. I love UK!! Eitssss. Jangan salah..saya tetap cinta tanah air Indonesia dong. Makanya kadang saya jengkel banget tiap ada yang mengait-ngaitkan kecintaan seseorang terhadap suatu negara tertentu dengan rasa nasionalisme yang dikandung dalam darahnya. To some people mungkin bisa saja rasa kagum tersebut mengalahkan rasa nasionalismenya, but to some others, tidak. Dan begitu pula saya, saya kuliah Sastra Inggris tujuannya bukan untuk berpindah kewarganegaraan ataupun sok2an bertingkah ala barat. Terkadang, orang-orang perlu berpikir lebih global dan terbuka sehingga bisa menilai segalanya dari kacamata objektivitas. Yang saya pelajari adalah budaya, lalu bagaimana bisa nasionalisme saya kemudian dipertanyakan hanya karena saya mempelajarai budaya dan knowledge negara lain? Iya, saya hafal God Save The Queen. Kenapa? Masalah buat lo? Jujur aja sih,selama saya berada dalam ruang lingkup Sastra Inggris, saya belajar banyak. Sayapun merasa kalau saya bisa berpikir lebih luas dan global. Janganlah knowledge itu kita kurung. Gimana bisa maju??? Tetapi tetap saja...semua harus difilter. Saya sadar betul saya warga negara mana dan bagaimana budaya barat dan timur itu kadang ada yang tak sejalan. Ya tapi itulah guna filter. Ya nggak?
Ini kenapa jadi ngomel-ngomel gini ya. Dan ngomong-ngomong..itu hadiah yang saya dapat dari British Embassy dan British Council. Tuh..tulisannya aja Knowledge is Great ^^

"University of Liverpool. Am I the only one who has different interest here? Hehe. However, I have reasons for this, of course. Whenever I hear the word ''Liverpool', the image of a historical port city pops up in my head. It may sound so simple but the one that first attracted me to know more about Liverpool is my passion towards its football club, Liverpool FC (LFC). Being in Liverpool is one of my greatest dreams. And if we talk about being in college, University of Liverpool indeed will be my first choice. Located in the one of European Capitals of Culture, University of Liverpool has such a great ancient history. It's also one of the greenest universities in Britain. The part I love the most is Abercromby Square. In addition, Victoria building [the red building in the picture above] is absolutely captivating. 'Woah..this was built from bricks... How could I resist this piece of work?' I talked to myself. I believe that the environment and the surrounding area have a major role in building our passion to study. There are many prestigious college in UK, but for me, Liverpool is all I want. It will be such a complete heaven for me as I will have my 100% passion there. Feel your passion, then you'll do well in every single thing. Going to Anfield on the matchday and cheering out loud for my beloved football team, studying about Scousers and their Scouse dialect, spending my time wandering around the city hall and The Beatles Story, that's the knowledge I'd like to gain. The day that dream comes true, I think I will be the happiest person on earth #BritQuiz"

Yang lain tu pada nulis Oxford, Cambridge, dan mereka nulisnya tinggi-tinggi amat gitu, ngomong soal prestasi dll. Saya malah dengan sederhana dan innocent nya menulis University of Liverpool karena kecintaan saya pada sepakbola dan LFC. Dan jelas, saya menekankan konsep "passion" disini. Passion itu penting, ya kan? Pasti pada setuju deh? :D
Ya begitulah. dan baru-baru ini ada quiz lagi, dan kali ini temanya tentang British foods. Saya submit lagi tapi belum pengumuman. Ya pasrah aja deh. Menang lagi ya syukur, enggak ya nggak apa-apa. Saya berpartisipasi karena saya suka menulis dan temanya cucok banget ama saya. Menang dan dapat hadiah itu hanya bonus. Yang penting uneg-uneg udah keluar semua.
Check this out ->>

"Talking about British foods, oh God.. It's difficult to even pick one as my most favourite. Yorkshire pudding, Sunday roast, I love them all! However, I'll just tell you my personal preference; just call it the complete set of a day; typical English breakfast, afternoon tea, and lastly fish and chips in the evening. I'm not a kind of person who's able to eat such a big meal in the morning, that's why I feel more comfortable to simply feed myself with a typical English breakfast. It's more likely to be a bowl of cereals, a slice of toast, sausages and orange juice, but preferably a glass of milk. Then, I'll have myself enjoy the second period of my day with afternoon tea. Afternoon tea became popular about one hundred and fifty years ago. It began when rich ladies invited their friends to have tea and some biscuits in their houses. Now afternoon tea becomes the enjoyment for most people in the whole world. If we have guests in the afternoon, we can also serve them with earl gray tea, cookies and scones. Not bad, huh?. Fish and chips! Such a perfect companion for me while watching a football match in the evening. The deep-fried chipped potatoes and also the crunchy battered fish. So tasty!! It makes me feel like I'm watching the game with my fellow supporters in a cafe or in a dining bar,just like what British football fans usually do on the matchday. Last thing to say: British foods = Traditions #FoodisGREAT"

Tapi agak sedikit blunder soal "cookies" dan "biscuits". Karena nyadarnya pas udah lewat deadline ya apa boleh buat. Di Inggris, kata cookies itu jarang digunakan. Mereka lebih mengenal biscuits. Ya tau sendiri lah English British sama English American itu beda. Macam football dan soccer lah contoh sederhana nya. 

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