Thursday, September 22, 2011

Beware! NII the Youth’s Threat

Berhub kata pak dosen essay sy bagus, ya sy publish.. semoga bisa membantu menunjukkan "jalan" yg benar dlm membuat essay. No particular purposes lho ya..
dan sy sdh terlanjur janji sama seseorang utk mengijinkannya membacanya..

The case of NII has become one of the important issues these days related to its effect to the young Indonesians. The action includes what we call as “brain washing” that infects the mental and the morale of the youth. Regarding this case, some universities have done several precautions to avoid more victims.
One example comes from Sudjarwadi, the Rector of Gajahmada University, at least four students have been caught as a part of NII. What about other universities? Some cases found so far are happened within university area where a bunch of twenties or even teen-age youth gathered. The target recruitment is reasonable. NII attracts people at those ages as they are more vulnerable and unstable.

The report shows that most victims are college students. One case happened to a university student, Agung, who is now still in trauma after becoming one of the “brain washing” victims of NII. He confessed that he met a stranger during his campus orientation. They had a long conversation, yet he didn’t realize that he was being trapped that time. He has been donated so much money to his recruiter and what he got? He got nothing but a kidnapping. Until now, he can’t forget his experience. On the other side, he’s blessed that he’s safe now. It’s totally a luck that he could get away from the ‘NII kidnapping’, even though it left a deep scar inside him. At least he now realize how important a mental resistant of a person is.

After the cases are investigated, it is found that the recruitment motive is the same. It is divided into some levels. For the beginning, the targets are taught to fight against their parents. They are allowed to lie. Some cases show the similar motive that the target is forced to lie to his/her parents to get money which later is given to NII for nothing-it’s said to be “a jihad fund”. It is just a simple “lesson” they got. There are more stages to complete. The worst part is when there is a pact that ‘it is allowed to kill parents’. This rubbish is non-sense, of course. We don’t have that kind of thing in our customs, or even in our universal human rights.

The existence of NII is considered as a part to split this country, Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). As we know, there have been so many cases related to affiliation conflicts and doctrines. NII case is suspiciously related to a common crime using affiliation doctrines as its mask. The doers must be so smart in reading the condition of this country, and then they create such a brilliant idea to mess it up by affecting the youth who will be the future generations.
Regarding the cases record, it can be seen that the mental of our youths is so weak. They are so vulnerable and easily affected by illogical matters. Later it will be linked to our educational system. It is not only the institutional element which takes the responsibility in educating the youths, but also the parents and families. This NII case is one of the reflections of how weak our people are. And it shows also that NII is smarter, as it has been mentioned above that NII can read our situation well and take advantage of that.

The effect is not good at all for the national unity. Instead of being strong, this country is going to be as weak as its people. The phenomenon of “brain washing” commonly used to give a new doctrine and perception. NII tries to use this way in case of supporting the purpose of building new state based on its own concept. This is a threat for the national security and it’s like the mental of the country is being tested right now. Some may trapped, some may resist.

However, this case reminds us to always keep an eye to our surrounding area, because crime is everywhere and it remains undetected until it shows up and shocks the entire public. That’s what we must aware of. Since the motive has similarities, it must be easier for us to decide what precautions that must be taken. The latest issues of NII show that the target area is broaden. Recently, children become victims too. Although the motive is the same, the new target is more vulnerable; children. See, it is why there must be a good teamwork between educational institutions and parents to keep the youths away from “brain washing” actions.
Besides, the post-experience of a victim must be noticed as well. As youths, they are still unstable and emotional. After experiencing “brain-washing”, usually they will turn into someone different. It’s difficult to drag them back to the real life. Moreover, for those who can’t throw away their traumatic experience after quitting NII. It’s the effect of “brain washing” which can only be explained in psychology area.

What should we do then? Of course we must prevent the growth of this “brain washing” actions. NII is only one sample, there must be more out there, we never know. This kind of actions is mostly hidden. It is where our awareness is being tested too. It is better for any level of educational institutions; universities, senior highs, junior highs, or even elementary schools to give more attention to the youths. Besides material lessons, there must be more mental/behavioral lessons applied in the academic activities. The correct religion lessons must be taught too. So they know exactly what’s right about their affiliations. The purpose of these activities is to strengthen the mental of the youths. So, they won’t become the stupid lamb of “brain washing”.

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